What, what, what are you doing?

I’ve been back in action on the hill for a week and a half now, and things are in full swing.  I had my first real orgo lab this morning, and to my own surprise finished everything accurately and on time!  We haven’t began anything too difficult in orgo yet, but it seems to be off to a good start!  Psychology class is what I expected – lots of reading, but very interesting.  My professor is new this year but seems knowledgeable and enthusiastic.  We picked up where we left off last semester in calculus, so I’m pretty comfortable with that class as well.  I’m currently working on a paper for Montserrat about whether hip-hop causes violence, using Tricia Rose’s book The Hip Hop Wars and the 1991 film Boys n the Hood as my main references.  Part of the reason I enjoy my Montserrat course so much is that my professor makes our assignments (papers, readings, listening homework) relevant and interesting, and often asks us to incorporate our own opinions.

The snow storm on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week hit Holy Cross pretty hard, but the school officials usually don’t close the campus unless the circumstances are extreme.  Nonetheless, I received e-mails from my professors on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning canceling all of my Wednesday classes, so I ended up with a snow day!  I definitely paid for it this morning though when my class had to show up to our 8 am lab 20 minutes early to go over material.  I know that 7:40 isn’t the crack of dawn, most high school students like my brother are already in class, but it feels ridiculously early in college.

This weekend, a well-known YouTube star and Holy Cross alumnus is visiting the campus for a show.  Brian Gallivan, aka “Sassy Gay Friend” attained internet fame with his videos satirizing literary classics, and demonstrating how they would be different if a sassy gay friend was around to lend a hand.  Check out my favorite here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnvgq8STMGM.  (Once you watch it, you’ll understand the title of this blog!)  It’s really cool to see all the different kinds of people who are Holy Cross alumni or students; the summer before I came to school, I met alumni at the airport, restaurants, and all sorts of random places.  They were all quick to show their Crusader pride and emphasized how much they enjoyed their four years on the hill.

I’m off to orgo lecture soon, but I’ll be sure to keep you all updated on what’s new and interesting at Holy Cross!